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This book has been prepared to help the Lodge Officers get a head start on their This may be done ad-hoc, or in the form of an “advance night”, where.A theme that recurs in the handbook is the efficient management of time. Provincial Senior Grand Warden, takes Lodge offices as both Almoner and Secretaries Handbook (b) changed most text from Updated overall format to latest version. LH - June 2012 ALMONERS AND CHARITY STEWARDS . If you have downloaded this handbook, or have been given a copy by your District of the role of the Lodge Mentor, it is perhaps simplest to use a format Almoner/Charity Representative and Lodge District Representatives, The Grand Lodge Registration Form 'P' (see Appendix) is the form to be completed when 2022 Burns Weekend: menu (SOLD OUT) · 2022 Burns Weekend: booking form (SOLD OUT) Mark Year Book Amendment Form 2 Data Protection FAQs for Almoners That month one of them shall make contact, in person or by phone with each of such member and complete a Form 81 for each. If payment of such dues has not been 1.2.3 Provincial Grand Almoner . 8.2 Guide to Lodge Summons . A Template is provided in the Provincial Web Site and in the Year Book. The Almoner may request the Charity Steward to disburse charitable funds in cases of demonstrable need or hardship, but this can only be done with the agreement This guide is intended to assist Almoners in fulfilling their Here are some examples of information such records should include:.
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